Tappahannock Seal
Essex County Seal
Tappahannock RivahFest

Specifications for RivahFest Artwork

Platinum Sponsor: full-page ad in RivahFest program, event display banners on entertainment stages, web banner on Rivahfest.com home page with business link, free space for corporate promotional tent.

Gold Sponsor: half-page ad in RivahFest program, web banner on Rivahfest.com section page with business link, event display banners in one RivahFest area or event:
Arts, Antiques & Crafts ~ Antique Cars ~ Beer and Wine Garden ~ Capt. Thomas Cruise ~ Children Activity area ~ Merchant's Market ~ Hot Air Balloon ~ Marine area ~ Tastes of Tappahannock (food) ~ Treasures of Tappahannock tour ~ RivahFest Idol ~ Other ~

Silver Sponsor: quarter-page ad in RivahFest program, web banner on Rivahfest.com sponsors page with business link.

Bronze Sponsor: business card ad in RivahFest program, web banner on Rivahfest.com sponsors page.

RivahFest Program Advertising - page size specification:
Full Page, 6 x 7.5”
1/2 Page Horizontal, 6 x 3.5”
1/2 Page Vertical, 3 x 7.5”
1/4 Page Horizontal, 6 x 1.75”
1/4 Page Vertical, 3 x 3.5”
Business Card, 3 x 1.75”
Banner, 2 x 1” or 150 x 90 pixels JPEG

RivahFest Program ad file specification:
Following formats preferred - Adobe Acrobat PDF, or Images in JPEG or TIFF format 150 to 300 dpi, or Illustrator EPS artwork. Digital artwork files can be sent to: printers@rockfish.cc and clearly identify in the subject that the artwork is for RivahFest. Physical artwork can be sent to Barbour Printing, P O Box 1029, Tappahannock VA 22560-1029. Deadline to be included in the program is May 28. Any questions, please call Julie Stanley at 804-443-4505.

RivahFest web banner file specification:
Following format - Images sized 150 x 90 pixels, in JPEG format, 72 dpi, quality 6, progressive scan 3. You can submit images in a larger JPEG format which we will resize to the 2 x 1 web format. Digital artwork files can be sent to: printers@rockfish.cc and clearly identify in the subject that the artwork is for RivahFest. Physical artwork can be sent to Barbour Printing, P O Box 1029, Tappahannock VA 22560-1029. No specific deadline - ads will appear shortly after they are reserved and paid for. Any questions, please call 804-443-4505 and ask for Julie Stanley.

RivahFest event sponsor banner specification:
Text only in black on white background - main display one line max 20 large characters including spaces, second line of 30 smaller characters including spaces. Overall size for Gold Sponsors is 36" wide x 24" high, and for Platinum Sponsors 48" wide x 24" high. Event display banner will also incorporate a RivahFest logo and a beer sponsor logo at each end of the banner. Look at the previous year banners to get an idea of the configuration click here

RivahFest corporate promotional tent
Free space for 10 ft x 10 ft tent (not supplied) in Merchant's Market on Water Lane.

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